
Alove Vera Landscaping LLC is a premier landscaping company in Dubai, UAE, specializing in creating stunning outdoor living spaces that reflect your unique personality and lifestyle. With a team of skilled designers and experienced contractors, we transform your vision into a reality, crafting landscapes that are not only visually captivating but also functionally practical.

Landscape maintaining service
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Landscape Maintenance

Alove Vera Landscaping LLC offers complete residential and commercial landscape maintenance and landscape maintenance services in Dubai and UAE. We provide one-time visits to get your garden in shape or regular visits to keep it maintained.
Well maintained landscape outside a building.
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Landscaping Design and Construction

Alove Vera Landscaping LLC is reliable landscaping design & construction company in Dubai, UAE. We are specialized in creating stunning outdoor living spaces that reflect your unique personality and lifestyle.
Automatic Irrigation System working in lawn
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Soil Preparation & Irrigation

Alove Vera Landscaping LLC is the best soil preparation & irrigation service provider in Dubai, UAE. We make the soil ready for planting gardens and farms. We also set up irrigation systems to water plants properly.
Beautifully illuminated garden in Dubai
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Garden Lightening

AV Landscaping LLC provides innovative landscape lighting solutions in Dubai and the UAE. Our experts design lighting to showcase your residential or commercial garden's best qualities perfectly.
Water Feature Services
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Water Feature Services

We make beautiful water features for gardens and yards all over the UAE. We design and build pretty fountains, waterfalls, streams, and ponds. Each water feature is special and made with natural stones and plants.
swimming pool services
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Swimming Pool Services

AV Landscaping LLC builds beautiful swimming pools in Dubai and UAE. We treat pool making like an art form. From the start, we carefully plan and survey the area. Our designs consider the plot shape, landscape, and terrain.
Well decorated pathway by AV Landscaping
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Pathway and Paving Services

Our paving services are all about quality and style. We make smooth driveways and beautiful pathways that last. Whether you want to make your home look better or create a cozy outdoor space, our paving can do it all.
Well maintained wooden work in a garden
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Carpentry and Wooden Work

Welcome to our Carpentry and Wooden Work page! We love working with wood to make your home cozy and stylish. Whether it's building custom furniture, fitting wooden fixtures, or creating special pieces, our team is here to help.

Bring Nature In Your Home.

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