Landscaping Design and Construction

Alove Vera Landscaping LLC is reliable landscaping design & construction company in Dubai, UAE. We are specialized in creating stunning outdoor living spaces that reflect your unique personality and lifestyle.

Well maintained landscape outside a building.

Landscaping Design and Construction

Alove Vera Landscaping LLC is a premier landscaping company in Dubai, UAE, specializing in creating stunning outdoor living spaces that reflect your unique personality and lifestyle. With a team of skilled designers and experienced contractors, we transform your vision into a reality, crafting landscapes that are not only visually captivating but also functionally practical.

Our approach is centered around listening to your preferences, understanding your budget, and tailoring our designs to complete your location and specific needs. We take pride in incorporating mature trees, diversified plant material, and natural elements such as boulders, berms, streams, and hills, resulting in sophisticated and harmonious landscapes.

Working Process

Starting a garden is one of the most rewarding things one can do. Whether you’re planting fragrant florals or starting a vegetable garden, anyone can benefit from getting their hands a little dirty. But it can be difficult to know where to start. Our steps ease you into gardening and reward you for your efforts with beautiful visuals.

  • 1.Consultation
  • 2.Design & Work
  • 3.Complete & Maintenance

Do you want to plant a vegetable garden? An herb garden? A flower garden? If you choose vegetables and/or herbs for their contributions to your dinner table, identify which ones your family will eat or is willing to try. If you want flowers for their flair, color, and fragrance, decide whether you want annuals that bloom most of the summer but need to be replanted each spring or perennials that have a shorter bloom time but return year after year.

Services Features:

Alove Vera Landscaping LLC creates beautiful outdoor living spaces for your home. Our expert team designs and builds gardens, outdoor kitchens, water features, and more – based on your style and lifestyle. We carefully choose mature trees, plants, and natural elements like boulders and streams. Our quality work increases your property’s beauty and value.

Frequently Asked Questions

Landscaping costs vary depending on project size, materials, and features. However, expect a range of AED 30-150 per square meter.
Drought-tolerant and desert-inspired styles dominate, with gravel, native plants, and water features. Modern and minimalist designs are also popular.
For minor projects, a permit might not be needed. However, it's best to consult Alove Vera Landscaping, as permits may be required for larger projects or structural changes.
Our team of landscapers will discuss your vision, budget, and property details. We'll recommend designs, and materials, and provide a quote.

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